ORF is a program designed to help Registered Student Organizations with funding. SGA President Jacob Ellis said ORF ran out of money around January of this year.
SGA voted on a bill last night that would amend these problems.
“ORF as it is currently structured is no longer sustainable,” the bill states.
Among the amendments include a cap on the amount of money an organization may receive from ORF.
Under the previous guidelines, there was no cap on how much money an organization could ask for, Ellis said.
Following its approval by SGA, the guidelines now say:
Only RSO’s and departments will be considered for funding.
The Department of Athletics will be considered alone department rather than individual sports.
ORF funding will cover up to 50% of the cost of an approved trip not exceeding $7,500. Funding will only cover: transportation, registration and lodging. Should costs increase after funding is granted, the budget unit head may allow an increase in funding.
The organization and all traveling members must be in good standing with the university and have paid ORF fees for the semester in which they are traveling. If traveling in the summer, the fee must be paid in the spring.
The transportation, lodging and registration fees of one advisor may be covered under ORF.
RSO’s and departments may only be funded once per academic year.
In order to be considered for funding, an application must be submitted by the established due date for an ORF meeting taking place at least 30 days before the travel date unless granted permission by the ORF Chairperson.
Applications must have all information required prior to getting funding. The information is determined by the ORF Chairperson and the SGA advisor.
The ORF committee may add other guidelines and procedures to the applications so long as they do not: violate existing guidelines; are established to better administer the fee; and they comply with university and state travel regulations.