Brianna Corley
Copy Editor
To my Demon family,
In the exiting nervousness of N-Side Preview Day before I had decided to make a home at Northwestern State University, I remember walking up to the booth for Student Media. Dr. Paula Furr, the former department head of the Department of New Media, Journalism and Communication Arts, stood with the then editor-in-chief of the Current Sauce handing out purple-orange splashed pins and yearbooks filled with faces I did not know.
Dr. Furr talked to me about a student who went to New York City, gave me a Current Sauce pin and told me something she probably doesn’t remember but I’ll certainly never forget: “Maybe one day you could be the editor-in-chief of the Current Sauce.”
I grabbed that pin hard in the palm of my hand and thought, okay, yeah, maybe I can try for that.
Four years later, after working under the guidance of talented, ambitious peers and thoughtful, invested professors and advisors, I am honored to have been entrusted with the opportunity to uphold and grow the NSU Community’s values as the incoming editor-in-chief for 2021-2022.
The Current Sauce acts not only as a news source but as a place to stir new, not always easy conversations necessary for the progress of the now while simultaneously serving as a reflection of the time it was written in for the demons of the future.
With recent events leading towards social change and the ongoing pandemic, this need for documentation and discussion has become more apparent than ever.
As editor, I strive to continue to both bring weight to the Current Sauce’s coverage and bring the student paper into a place more centered towards those it serves. The Current Sauce does not belong to the Department of New Media, Journalism and Communication Arts, the Current Sauce belongs to everyone.
Through hiring staff who will be able to bring all sides of the story to each article, I aim to further the important discussions we have been having and assure all of our pieces depict every problem we tackle and every profile we feature with necessary depth.
In this coming year, I am excited to begin a journey with fantastic staff, new and old, and I hope that you, the students, will always remember your voice lives here.