The nsumemes_ Instagram account is creating a culture in NSU

Lia Portillo Cantarero

The nsumemes_ instagram account is a student-run account that posts relatable posts about what it is like being a student at Northwestern State University of Louisiana.

Many organizations around Northwestern State University of Louisiana’s campus have a social media account that serves to inform potential students of events or what their organization does.

But the rise of new accounts that depict everyday life as a student of NSU has become a central role in relatability. These accounts are student-run and post content that relates to NSU and in doing so have created a cultural nest for students.

The nsumemes_ Instagram account is a memes account that posts content ranging from affirmation memes to caption contests in which followers comment and pick the best meme line to be placed on an image. With a 2,217 following this account is one of the most followed NSU cultural accounts.

The creator of the account, who is anonymous, responded through direct messaging and expressed the origins and path of the account.

They expressed that the inspiration came from Louisiana State University’s own meme account and they created one for NSU as there was not an account for NSU content.

“My goal is to have a centralized place for demons to laugh and have fun, even about crappy situations,” the creator said. “It’s also honestly an outlet for me personally to share my memes because I enjoy making them.”

They added that the growth of the account surprised them and made them happy.

“I think now the page has definitely become a bigger outlet for student grievances because we know professors and administrators see what I post,” the creator said.

With the varying social media techniques they use, the account utilizes student interaction as one of its main sources of content.

Many students feel that the content posted is comedic.

“I like that they are relatable and I like when Dr. Jones reacts to them,” Leslie Israel, freshman theater major, said. “I think they bring peace during finals week.”

Kacy Young, a sophomore history major, enjoys the daily posts.

“It brings me joy, especially the Kyser memes because I’m with it every time I go up the stairs,” Young said.

Josie Martinez’s, elementary education sophomore, favorite part of her day is opening up Instagram and looking at the account’s most recent post and interaction.

“My favorite thing that they do is their roasting,” Martinez said.

What truly adds to the success of the account is the creator’s anonymity. They have become an enigma that brings liveliness to stressed-filled students.

“It’s the mystery behind it that keeps the account interesting,” Young said.