After past weeks of sparse meeting agendas and few reports given by the cabinet, the Student Government Association had a lengthy meeting Nov. 6, passing three resolutions, committee appointments and announcing numerous SGA-sponsored event dates.
SGA Advisor Shayne Creppel reminded SGA of their role as the governing body in his meeting report.
“As we begin to quickly approach the end of the semester, let us continue to focus on meaningful bills and resolutions to improve the student experience,” he said.
President Tre Nelson first commented on the Nov. 5 mass shooting at a church in Texas. “Keep those people in your mind and prayers throughout the week as they figure out everything from there,” he said.
Cops and Cane’s will be Nov. 9 at noon in the Stroud Room of the Athletic Fieldhouse; this is an SGA-member-only event intended to thank and discuss issues with the NSU Police Department.
The following event details were announced:
Leadership Luncheon has been rescheduled to Nov. 16 in the President’s Room, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. It is open to all students and meant to introduce NSU leadership to the student body.
There will be no SGA meeting Nov. 27 due to the SGA Christmas Party Nov. 29; a venue has not yet been selected.
Late Night Breakfast will be held Dec. 4 in Iberville Dining Hall.
Leadership NSU has been scheduled for Jan. 26-27, 2018.
The SGA office in the Student Union Ballroom will now be locked at night; Scantrons were reported to be stolen from the office. Sen. Jacob Ellis said the NSU Bookstore Scantron prices are doubling due to high demand.
“We’re trying to find new ways to do the Scantron giveaway [for students],” he said.
The Student Self-Assessed Fee process for Athletics was held this week. The Athletic Department is expected to post its budget soon.
SR.F.2017-02, also known as The Webb Resolution, was presented to SGA; it states that SGA “enthusiastically endorses” the renaming of the Wellness, Recreation and Activity Center after the late Dr. Randall J. Webb.
SR.F.2017-03 congratulates Dr. Patrice Moulton, professor of psychology, for her achievement as being named the recipient of a Fulbright Award.
SR.F.2017-04 extends SGA’s condolences to students and their families in response to a shooting at Grambling State University.
Appointments were made to the newly created Leadership NSU Planning Committee; the committee will function as a subset of SGA to coordinate the conference. Students from SGA, Student Activities Board, First Year Experience and two students-at-large were appointed: Jaylon Lewis, Bralyn James, Tyler Wright, Emilee Leger, Cherish Wilson, Zach Breaux, Taylor McBroom, Abby Reynolds, Tristan Brussell and Elizabeth Coleman.