Your complete closet clean out guide

Kevin Thomas

An inside look of my closet in its natural state of clutter and mess, waiting to be organized and polished.

The new year is the perfect time to get your life decluttered and back on track. I know for sure that we all have a closet that is filled to the brim with clothes that we have not touched or worn in over two years, so why not take this new start to clean that closet out?

Cleaning out your closet can be just as easy as looking through your shoes, organizing your shirts or even donating those pants you swore you were going to wear but never did. It’s all about finding a start and gaining the motivation to finally get up and clean it.

One way that helped me gain more of a want to clean my closet was setting a goal for myself. For me, I told myself that if I could re-organize and clean out my closet I would then have the opportunity to go shop for more new clothes that could capture the new me this year.

Another way to help you clean your closet is by organizing a plan that will help you not become overwhelmed by all the clutter.

Start off by sectioning your closet into categories from sweaters, shirts, pants and shoes. This will allow you to see your closet from a different perspective without having that feeling of being overwhelmed. Then pick a section that is calling your name and ask yourself when the last time you wore those items was.

Taking on your closet one section at a time allows you to view what items you have and think through what needs to stay and what doesn’t. Categories also allow you to stay tidier instead of throwing everything out onto your bed and creating a giant mess.

Cleaning out your closet can be tedious but it does come with some rewards. For instance, you have the ability to give back to the community by donating to foundations or companies. Great companies to donate to are Goodwill Inc. they make it so much easier for you to donate to the people who are more in need of your unused clothes.

If you are looking for other ways to make money, consider selling your clothes for reasonable prices. Great places to do that can be Depop, Facebook Marketplace and even Plato’s Closet if you have one of those in your town.

Cleaning your closet is such an easy way to start off the year and help get your life back on track or just reorganize it. With just simple steps and great motivation, you can have this task done in about a day and feel more motivated to take on 2022.