PLP to help clean up Natchitoches for Earth Day
Northwestern State University of Louisiana students Landon Stephens, Maddy Hensley and Jaz Rasouliyan picked up trash on campus during the university’s annual V.L. Roy Day of Service.
With Earth Day approaching, organizations like the President’s Leadership Program at Northwestern State University of Louisiana plan to contribute to their environment. The PLP will participate in V.L. Roy Service Day, a service project dedicated to cleaning up the city of Natchitoches, as well as NSU’s campus.
According to Jacob Mount, freshman health and exercise major and member of PLP, PLP hopes that the event helps inspire people to take care of their community and the environment.
“The clean up idea was inspired when our group was brainstorming for an environmental project and then we decided what better day to do it than Earth Day,” Mount said.
According to Hayes, Kappa Sigma Pike and Tri Sigma have agreed to help along with nine other Presidential Leadership Program members.
“We will be involved since we have multiple members that are a part of PLP and the environmental impact group as well, but they are welcoming and wanting participants from all organizations,” Jonelise Sturgeon, freshman and radiologic sciences major and Tri Sigma member, said.
Previously, the PLP held clean up projects on campus this January and last April.
Troy Hayes Jr, a freshman computer science major and a PLP member, said the program recently cleaned the University Place buildings’ parking lots.
“The campus stayed clean so I feel as if people have taken more steps to keeping the campus clean,” Hayes said.
Students like Philip Parker, a junior history major and a member of the Environmental Catalyst Organization, are grateful for the clean-up.
“I think it’s neat they’re cleaning up the campus,” Parker said. “People are littering and throwing trash everywhere.”