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Purple Media Network

The Official Student Media of Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Purple Media Network

Purple Media Network

But in reality, is homecoming another way to highlight some of the same sought-after, popularized students?

Tradition or Repetition: Homecoming Court and its accessibility

November 7, 2023

Homecoming season is among us at Northwestern State...

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While University Columns residents decorate for the holidays, University Place residents are preparing to leave.

Living in University Place during the Christmas break

December 7, 2022

My freshman year of college, I roomed with a friend...

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From the organization of a team project, down to the budget of your daily life, Notion has free-to-use community-wide templates available to help start your personalized page, with targeted tools as well as blank slates one can start on their own should one choose. The best part of all this is that the program is entirely free with the use of your school email.

Notion will organize your life

November 28, 2022

Freshman year of college, I was an absolute mess! Between...

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But 2020 also saw the birth of a new type of culture, one aimed at making a change, using the power of the ability to spread an idea, reveal the facts, and understand that in order to make a difference, we all had to unite. We all had to engage in cancel culture.

The new wave of cancel culture

November 9, 2022

2020 saw the birth of a newfound power amongst those...

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