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The Current Sauce • KNWD

Purple Media Network

The Official Student Media of Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Purple Media Network

Purple Media Network

Kelsie Campbell

Kelsie Campbell, The Current Sauce - News Editor

All content by Kelsie Campbell
Not only is Jasmine Wise helping individuals through her classes and business, but also through the direction and coordination of the Black Studies minor, which was only introduced to NSU's curriculum in the Spring of 2022.

New coordinator in Black studies minor is eager to join NSU

February 28, 2023

Arriving on campus at the start of this spring semester,...

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The damage sustained Friday has since been repaired and the water is fully functional and should have no discoloration by this point in time.

Natchitoches campus water issues create daytime closure

January 20, 2023

On the morning of Friday, Jan. 13, 2023, Northwestern...

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I never understood that I needed to first find myself to express myself. And finding myself was more than an internal search of my mind.

Writing for The Current Sauce has taught me how to express myself

December 9, 2022

I never understood myself. I didn’t know there were...

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While University Columns residents decorate for the holidays, University Place residents are preparing to leave.

Living in University Place during the Christmas break

December 7, 2022

My freshman year of college, I roomed with a friend...

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Studying is unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t figured out what works best for you after all this time.

Study tips to get you through finals

December 4, 2022

It’s a miracle you even decided to entertain me by...

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From the organization of a team project, down to the budget of your daily life, Notion has free-to-use community-wide templates available to help start your personalized page, with targeted tools as well as blank slates one can start on their own should one choose. The best part of all this is that the program is entirely free with the use of your school email.

Notion will organize your life

November 28, 2022

Freshman year of college, I was an absolute mess! Between...

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But 2020 also saw the birth of a new type of culture, one aimed at making a change, using the power of the ability to spread an idea, reveal the facts, and understand that in order to make a difference, we all had to unite. We all had to engage in cancel culture.

The new wave of cancel culture

November 9, 2022

2020 saw the birth of a newfound power amongst those...

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Despite the openness of most high-paying jobs towards facial jewelry and visible tattoos, it is not always a guarantee that you will not be discriminated against for having them.

Discrimination of tattoos and piercings in the job market

September 30, 2022

Many of us have no idea what to do after college. Some...

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“Every day at a different time, everyone is notified simultaneously to capture and share a Photo in two minutes,” says the BeReal website.

BeReal wants you to BE REAL

September 23, 2022

Authentic social media: a term we know holds no true...

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When should it be okay to smoke in public?

Vaping in public

September 7, 2022

Cigarettes, vapes, e-cigs, cigars and pipes are all...

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The city of Natchitoches is the true experience of being at Northwestern State University. The town is special in its own ways, ways only we students will ever really get to see.

What does it mean to move off campus?

September 2, 2022

Following the spring finals of my freshman year of...

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Thinking that marijuana has been legalized when it is only been decriminalized is a harmful misconception that could get you in lots of trouble.

Decriminalization versus legalization of marijuana

April 29, 2022

Chances are, you've probably been hearing the word,...

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You will occasionally see me on Turpin Stadium’s football field during halftime as a part of The Demon Heat Colorguard. You will also see me attending functions my friends are members of to support them. There are so many opportunities to be active and involved on campus. Take advantage of what the college experience gives us.

Why you need to get involved on campus

April 25, 2022

Everyone has different opinions of what college means...

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Keeping an eye on coffee’s originally sourced locations helps consumers stay informed on ethical and environmental issues around its making.

Coffee production is destroying the world

April 20, 2022

Every morning, millions of people will wake up and...

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There are horror stories of doping accusations for the smallest things ranging from recreational use of legal drugs to antibiotic prescriptions when they get a sore throat. Anything is a threat to an athlete's dignity.

Prescribed medication is not doping

April 12, 2022

On Sept. 13, 2016, Simone biles took to Twitter to...

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Self-care has been overinflated by many into face masks, extra TV time and putting off important stressful work instead of doing things that are healthy and good for your mentality.

Mental health days can lead to self-destruction

April 6, 2022

“I need a mental health day.” This is a completely...

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In a world where being online is a universe in itself, we can see how big of an impact global connectivity has had on humanity. Social media, online personas, simulations and, most importantly, games, have all been affected by the evolution of the internet.

Video games are changing, and not for the better

March 30, 2022

In a world where being online is a universe in itself,...

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Individuals with autism may find it difficult to communicate their thoughts and feelings. It’s vital for everyone to understand who someone with autism is before making assumptions.

The autistic spectrum is broader than most people know

March 17, 2022

One, two, three times you tap on the table. One, two,...

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2022 Beijing Winter Olympics has shown devastating evidence of inhumane pressure that the ROC (Russian Olympic Committee) is placing on athletes like Alexandra Trusova.

Mental abuse is not worth gold

February 28, 2022

Ice skids underneath the blades at her feet, the ice-cold...

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It’s crucial for everyone to understand the difference between bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder so that no one confuses the two as the same.

Mistaking bpd and bipolar disorder for each other is harmful

February 23, 2022

Before I was diagnosed with bipolar, I had heard about...

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Ever since I first heard of Simone Biles in 2016 I have been watching silently on the sidelines waiting for her to change history, and she is doing just that before our eyes.

Simon Biles is an inspiration on and off the springboard

February 9, 2022

As a kid, I worshiped the ground that Olympic athletes...

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Modded games are extremely valuable, and they might very well be the future for all games.

Modded games are better than their originals

February 3, 2022

I was hardly even 8-years-old the first time I played...

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Dog experts claimed anxiety in dogs is a sign of emotional intelligence.

Anxiety in dogs is a sign of intelligence

January 27, 2022

When we walk down the street and pass someone who has...

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Background gaming is rising in popularity thanks to its ease of access and much more.

Why you should be background gaming

January 20, 2022

The year is 2012, and you are scrolling through your...

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Generally, big schools receive more money from taxpayers, seeing as their districts have a higher cost of living. This allows more money in general, including money allotted to the bands.

Bias in the creative arts workforce

December 3, 2021

A cold October morning sets the stage for the sparkling...

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The collection of sounds and symbols that I have chosen to represent me. Those sounds represent me better than anything else ever will. Photo: "Sign Specturm" by Leon Wilson is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Spectrum of confusion

December 2, 2021

Call me by my name. Not the one my parents gave me,...

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Kelsie Campbell

We as a society must learn to cope, and learning to cope in itself is a behavior to be learned.
Photo: "Anxiety" by Mari Z. is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Social anxiety can be a learned behavior

December 2, 2021

Everyone has a little fear of or general anxiety involved...

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That was how I was then prescribed de-stimulant medicine for my Bipolar II disorder.

Medicating mental illness

December 2, 2021

“And what about you?” This question made me...

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Holiday shopping online is bigger than ever.

It’s time to ditch in-store holiday shopping

November 18, 2021

Holiday cheer spreads itself like a virus, infecting...

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“Squid Game” focuses on the morality of humanity, debating if humans possess the natural ability to be good or bad.

What “Squid Game” is really asking

November 16, 2021

On Sept. 17, 2021, a Netflix original show by the name...

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Don't laugh. I know you are confused, but hear me out. It is a given.

Salt is not a seasoning and I’m done pretending its not

November 12, 2021

Is salt a seasoning or a mineral? Don't laugh. I...

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In middle school, I learned what ADHD really was, and I asked my parents about it. Even the idea of potentially medicating a child seemed inherently wrong to them, so they opted to find other solutions to help me in school.

Defining my normal

November 9, 2021

I am an alien in your world, and this alien can't sit...

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The tradition of homecoming is an American staple, and the southern style homecoming often differs a bit from the rest of the country.

When it comes to homecoming, no one beats the South

October 23, 2021

Sunset orange lights the turf field like soft fire....

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With a society so influenced by the media and content, it would only make sense for the idea of a television show on activism to arise.

Activism: a force in society moved to reality TV

October 12, 2021

Activism. A movement of action to bring about political...

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Whatever your music taste is, share that with the world or find yours one to share if you don’t have one.

How to define a music taste for those who like everything

September 29, 2021

The day had just started, the smell of coffee wafts...

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Now I am seeing an equal but opposite reaction to the survivor's guilt of the past year, I'm now seeing a survivor's arrogance. An even split between those who are vaccinated and those who aren't, yet both parties are entitled to the hero syndrome of “beating COVID, and this is how.”

Survivor’s arrogance of 2021

September 21, 2021

Civil responsibility can be a generalized term for...

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I needed to start a new language with drive and pre-set ideas that would stay with me.

My language learning journey: from English to Mandarin

September 6, 2021

Opening a small book, I start at the beginning, a messy...

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I do understand that physical fitness and diet are not a fix-all, but they can aid us in helping us lead healthier, happier lifestyles.

Physical exercise has incredible benefits for mental health

August 26, 2021

I don't want to be a repeating record player; so, I...

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